Forums - Who is the best to go first in MVC2? Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Who is the best to go first in MVC2? ( Posted by Mr. Tempest on 06:28:2001 09:33 PM: Who is the best to go first in MVC2? Who is the best character to go first in MVC2 and tell me y if u hav a reason. thanx!!! Posted by strider_hien on 06:28:2001 10:07 PM: Hmm, hard choices!! I would say Magneto, Spiral and Sentinel work good as first. Because Cable usually needs meter AND a good assist to be deadly. Storm should be 2nd, because her hailstorm DHC is the best in the game. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 06:28:2001 10:13 PM: I voted Spiral. All the other characters work regardless of where you put them in a team. If you're not using Spiral 1st, you're missing the point of using her to begin with. Posted by The Hobo Clown on 06:29:2001 03:09 AM: I voted Doom cuz I play better w/him than anyone else on that list. Posted by strider_hien on 06:29:2001 03:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by The Hobo Clown I voted Doom cuz I play better w/him than anyone else on that list. Yeah, that's true 'n all, but he's better off as an assist. Especially if you have strider on u'r team. Posted by Murakumo on 06:29:2001 03:23 AM: I voted for IM... I'd love to put Magnus too but... though he does rush down faster, I can often seal the round with an IM infinite right off the bat... kill the character... guard break the next... etc. ~Murakumo Posted by strider_hien on 06:29:2001 03:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by Murakumo I voted for IM... I'd love to put Magnus too but... though he does rush down faster, I can often seal the round with an IM infinite right off the bat... kill the character... guard break the next... etc. ~Murakumo Yeah, true. What happens if you pushblock IM's guardbreak, will it work? Posted by MadjaYcD on 06:29:2001 03:34 AM: Blackheart I think. Those demons and Sentinel asisst calling build up meter like crazy. He builds good meter for cable or sentinel. Posted by dragonkahn on 06:29:2001 03:45 AM: Anybody except Cable and Storm. Having them 2nd in the team is always a big threat throughout the entire match. Your opponent can pull out a counter xx AHVB at any time or DHC quickly into Hailstorm. Posted by Red Spiral on 06:29:2001 03:58 AM: I'd say magneto cause his rushdown and his meter building is excellent. Posted by Grivan on 06:29:2001 06:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by dragonkahn Anybody except Cable and Storm. Having them 2nd in the team is always a big threat throughout the entire match. Your opponent can pull out a counter xx AHVB at any time or DHC quickly into Hailstorm. you can counter xx AHVB when cable is third... Posted by GeekBoy on 06:29:2001 06:23 AM: I voted Magneto because of his ability to build so much meter by landing the first attack. Posted by dragonkahn on 06:29:2001 07:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Grivan you can counter xx AHVB when cable is third... Yea well my point is Cable and Storm are deadly when they aren't at the front of the team. Posted by Servebot on 06:30:2001 01:54 AM: I say Magneto, he builds lots of meter for other characters like Cable and for Strider/doom. Also he has the ability to take out a good part of your opp.'s team before he dies. Posted by visor2001 on 07:08:2001 12:36 PM: Sprial get my vote coz she builds meter for cable crazily! I wonder if Sprial is not placed in the 1st place then what could she funtion as. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:08:2001 12:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by visor2001 Sprial get my vote coz she builds meter for cable crazily! I wonder if Sprial is not placed in the 1st place then what could she funtion as. A chipping assist. She works well with Blackheart, and a few others, but, yeah, she should go first. One nice thing about Spiral 2nd on a team is that she can't be guardbroken if she comes in after the 1st character dies...not that you'd build a team on that... OK, bye bye now, -DFA Posted by sidewinder on 07:08:2001 08:59 PM: B.H !!@#$%#$@ Posted by Rix18 on 07:08:2001 11:21 PM: Iron man all the way beacause if you hit the infinite in the start of the match you have a great advantage and its a huge meter builder. I love magnus but he is 2nd place for me. Posted by Spider_Sting on 07:08:2001 11:32 PM: magnus Posted by KKCapcom2 on 07:08:2001 11:57 PM: Magnus, becuase he can dish out most of the damage, and when he is done, the rest of the team will finish it. Posted by DASH on 07:09:2001 02:46 AM: I voted for Cable cuz if one has a good enough cable, they could kill off most of the opponents team before he dies or DHCs out. Think about. Peace Out!! Posted by ShoFunaki on 07:09:2001 03:10 AM: i voted others Posted by dhalsim on 07:09:2001 05:47 AM: dhalsim cuz his long reach ohhhhh yeah baby Posted by FecalPenance on 07:09:2001 06:34 AM: Dr.Doom, when paired w/ bh aaa, he controls space and builds quick meter, spiral has major problems getting her wos started, sentinel gets shutdown by him, cable can't hurt doom while he's throwing photons so long as bh assist is well timed Posted by TheMummy on 07:09:2001 03:27 PM: Anakaris can be weird in being the first to appear, he can take off 3/4 damage bar after the FINISH signal. Posted by JaHa on 07:09:2001 07:24 PM: wheres omega hes a good battery my vote goes to mag or spiral or BH Posted by Cablescrub on 07:10:2001 01:55 AM: iceman with doom(aaa). builds meter fast & does great chip damage. Posted by dhalsim on 07:20:2001 05:45 AM: dhalsim because he builds ur meter fast and does pretty good keep away damage Posted by qUiCkStRiKe on 07:20:2001 05:54 AM: spiral gets my vote cuz if u no anything about her she is pretty fast, she can make traps all by herself, get out of a hard situation like a trap by teleporting, can combo into supers, guard break into her level 3 super, chips and builds meter like crazy so spiral has my vote. Posted by NIN_CrimzinTerry on 07:20:2001 06:00 AM: Umm Viscant usually starts Doom first for someone on first page and when spiral is second she can be used in trap with Sentinel and Cable but dont start her second only when you tag her out. my vote goes to spiral because she gives the best hand job with her grab Posted by Shogun on 07:20:2001 09:17 AM: I choose Storm 'coz if you turtle or play run away all day... just keep building meter and do hail storm. I know its a bitch but sometimes keep away makes you win the game. PEACE and BEATDOWN Posted by Akumanizer on 07:20:2001 10:06 AM: I would say Sentinel. He isnt just good for the HSF, he has alot of powerful simple attacks and combos that can easily decimate the battery of a well planned team. Sure Magnus is a great choice. But with the amount of time Magento needs to kill someone, Sentinel might have gotten the job done and taken minimal damage. That is if you are a good Sentinel player. It also mainly depends on the skill level of the player. All times are GMT. The time now is 09:25 PM. Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.